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+57 votes
in Miscellaneous by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (197k points)
edited by pinkunicorn (Moderator)
DT Matrix, Badge Gen
Profile stats and challenge checkers!
all Features are brilliant :D
Would definitely have to be the bad logs....even though it's a rarely used tool....and it was broken for old logs (treating note logs as find logs, even messing up my find count in the profile stats) this tool makes sure you have an accurate find count on itself.
The Statistic and the challange checker ;)
The Stats and the TB discovering tool ;)
would have to be
1.Challenge Checkers
2. Statistics
3. Badge Gen ( I love using this to give me ideas on what my priorities might be)
Easy of use of Profile Statistics and also the challenge checkers. This saves so much time.

121 Answers

+1 vote
Challenges checkers !

map compare

tb log
by accoue (310 points)
+1 vote
Definately the beautiful maps in the stats, but the statistics + filters and everything is pretty neat as well
by crift (340 points)
+1 vote
Absolutely everything!
by Arrowrat (440 points)
+1 vote
We prefer the  Stats , the TB discovering tool and the maps of the districts of a country. Finder of D/T Caches we need. Thx
by Team Grautvornix (720 points)
+1 vote

Simply the immense amount of features/tools (and still we want more!).

My favourite tools/features are (in no particular order).

  • VGPS
  • Challenge checkers
  • Profile stats
by Chrysafenios (1.3k points)
+1 vote

1. Challange Checkers

2. Bange Gen

3. Statistics

4. DT Matrix (tool to find caches for the fizzy)

Thanks for the awesome website!

by ormustr (4.0k points)
+1 vote
Everything, but PGC. Love it fot: 1. Statistic, 2. Badge GEMs, DT matrix
by Toothlesss (170 points)
+1 vote
Badge Gen
List caches not found.
Resulcue mission
by Ariberna (1.6k points)
0 votes

1 les badges et ceintures pour la motivation

2 les comparateurs de cartes et de joueurs pour les sorties collectives
3 les recherches spécifiques comme les matrices
by Chup'a (11.2k points)
0 votes
Definitely the badge den!!!
by Pip1704 (1.5k points)
0 votes
Who favors who is an interresting tool.

But also Events to come with a map!
by sherpahebbes (450 points)
0 votes
I just like to look at my stats and comlare with my friends
by VDotM (1.7k points)
0 votes
Mein Favorit: Statistiken ;-)
by RB2009* (220 points)
0 votes
First the statistics, then the challenge checker. But many other features are helpful.
by eltopo00 (1.8k points)
0 votes
I enjoy the community page, county maps, discover trackables and challenge checkers the most.

I also get much use from the various filters applicable to the stats features.

Excellent resource and worth the money!
by TerraViators (9.1k points)
0 votes
  1. DT Matrix
  2. Map Compare
  3. Profile Stats
  4. Discover Trackables
by Five D (170 points)
0 votes
I really like the statistics for difefrent Cachetypes. So I can fill my cachetype-matrix. And than I like BadeGen Tab and check if I get an new diamond or 2nd (or more) round Badges
by supertwinfan (19.6k points)
0 votes
With so many great features, it is hard to choose just 1.  So I will go with 4 that I have really been utilizing a lot lately:

1. What I love most is the profile stats page and ability to link to D/T, hidden month, or hidden date needs.

2. I love the badge gen.  It creates a game within the game for me, and it allows me to set new and exciting goals for myself.

3. Challenge checkers and the challenge checker map.  I recently started getting into challenge caches, and I love how I can pull up a map of them and see which ones I qualify for immediately in areas that I am going to be visiting or potentially visiting in the future. Also this helps me to build my to-do list so that I can complete more challenges down the road.

4. Discover trackables page!  After an event, I really enjoy not having to log each trackable that I discovered individually.  One screen, one message, and many trackables logged...Awesome!
by Sagmoe (150 points)
0 votes
For me it is more and more helpful to fulfill my statistics goals.

What hidden month is needed and where is a working cache for that.

Caching in a new city (holiday, vacation or just far away tour) - most favorite points, caches fulfilling a goals or DT matrix or size matrix

And sure the personal statistics relative to other cachers with to found statistic.

So I'm total happy with and would miss it.
by supertwinfan (19.6k points)
0 votes

checker and BadgeGen are the most important issues for us.
by GoD_ArnDoran (650 points)