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There are several challenges arouind the US for visiting National Parks.  Is it possible to create a challenge checker for them? is a local example.

in Miscellaneous by MotorBug (440 points)
No there is not. The problem is that the border polygons are need for the parks. And to create a checker that gives no false negative you need polygons for all parks.
It might be possible if their they are all correct in openstreetmap

1 Answer

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Thanks for your reply.  I am not familiar with openstreetmap but will as a friend who may be.
by MotorBug (440 points)
I asked about this on a local Facebook geocaching page. They thought the openstreetmap NP polygons were accurate enough for this purpose.

Subsequently, Yaten posted .kml data for US NPs at:

Will that do it? If so, please consider the Pacific West.kml if you are willing to do one.  Thanks.