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+29 votes
Do you think we should send out newsletters more often, more seldom or keep it like it is?

For those that aren't aware, you can enable our newsletters by visiting settings at Project-GC. By clicking your username in the top right corner, and then settings. You need to add and verify an email address first.
closed with the note: We will keep posting major news when we have them, which seems to be about once per month. More frequent information will be posted on Facebook.
in Miscellaneous by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
closed by magma1447 (Admin)
Like all the others: rather send a short newsletter each time when something happens then stick to a fixed schedule.
this could be ideal also for me
Exactly as the two persons above state...
Keeping it simple and clean would be great, the best course of action is to keep clutter down as much as possible, and have like a Newsletter option for those that only want the big updates, and not every scrap of info flooding our email accounts.
Definitely no more than once a month I think.

31 Answers

+11 votes

I voted for 'Other'.

I do not need a newsletter every week but I would like to be aware of new features shortly after they get released. For example most of the new features announced by the tonight's newsletter I figured out earlier already while browsing the site. It is always better with an official statement and short explanation wink

by NamelessGuy (3.0k points)
+9 votes
I voted for Other:

I would indeed like to be informed about relevant things (new features, prominent bugfixes, etc.) but don’t wish to impose a schedule. If nothing happens for a month, no need to send out four newsletters, for example.

Also, it’s more important to hack than to document ;) so newsletter writing ought to not distract you from other things.
by mirabilos (2.7k points)
I agree with mirabilos, if nothing happens for a month, no need to send anything, I first find the updates on the twitter feed.
+5 votes
Another vote for "Other"

Regular newsletters are great but newsletters sent just because a date has arrived serve no purpose. Newsletters must be sent when there is news. If that is weekly, then so be it. If there is nothing to say then wait till there is.

Newsletters should include: New features, reminders of how some features work, future plans, links to YouTube or other videos on PGC, bugs, etc.

Newsletters take time. Precious time that could be used for more important projects.
by ChrisDen (4.1k points)
+5 votes
Once a month is more than frequent enough. However as others have said with a limited team and budget then when possible is also an option. ie: I'd rather see improvements and new stuff than get a newsletter.

It's a balance though, most of the replies here are likely to be those already engaged, finding out how to better engage more casual members and convert them to paying subscribers may take more of a focus on a newsletter.

A more "article" based newsletter could work eg: have various sections with features. eg: a monthly "How to" section that explained how to get the most from a particular feature. A "reader review" perhaps - I use project-gc to do X - highlighting interesting and imaginative ways to use the site.

ie: things that would engage readers and convert casuals to subscribers, rather than a "this is a newsletter saying we've released this new feature or fixed these bugs".
by ShammyLevva (Expert) (8.3k points)
+3 votes
I voted "it´s fine like it´s now"

but I agree NamelessGuy

but maybe, that´s the same
by Joker96 (2.4k points)
+3 votes
I voted for 'Other'. I agree with mirabilos.
by Cobra0 (460 points)
+3 votes
I think it is fine like it is now
by TrudiTeam (210 points)
+3 votes

We also choosed Other, because we do read the newsletter, but how often should be regulated by the news and their importance. So if there are weekly hot news, give it to us.

Thank you for this poll.

greetings from germany.

Team Haihappen


by Team Haihappen (210 points)
+3 votes

Il est très bien comme il est maintenant.

by clavelitos (230 points)
+3 votes
For me once a week would be very nice...
by bitcherländer (490 points)
+3 votes
Once a month is enough, if significant changes or important information to publish soon.
by RendyStod (1.5k points)
+2 votes
It's fine like it is. Your already busy enough.
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.2k points)
+2 votes
For me once a week would be very nice...

by @MY (280 points)
+2 votes
Ideally, I would like once a month because I like PGC and I like to know the developments. But do not make for newsletters newsletters. So I nuance between "once a month ... if there is enough to make a newsletter" and "as now".
by Jipem (1.7k points)
I completely agree!
+2 votes
Once a month is enough. If it would be more often, I think I would not read it any more.
by Rumreisenden (4.3k points)
+2 votes

I voted for 'oncce per week', because I like to know more about PGC, the new features and all the little news about it. It haven't to be very long or something, but a little more should be very nice smiley.


by The Travelcacher (630 points)
It really would be great to get information about new features as soon as they appear in the software. So a newsletter anytime something important happens would suffice. This also keeps your workload down.

Actually I also think it doesn't help to have many newsletters with little or no content. I stop reading those. Most probably most newsletters that are being send too often go directly to the bin :-)
Yes, you're right, when there isn't something new, what do you have to write in a weekly newsletter.. maybe something about new geocaches published or about new checkers etc.
And when there is no news, maybe also no newsletter.
+2 votes
Hello - czech republic - I agree with per week send newsletter. Hi
by Dresík (200 points)
+2 votes
When there are any changes, upates or information to share - this may be weekly or monthly or as deemed relevant.
by GeoJaxx (240 points)
+2 votes
Once per month is my prefered option.
by SalzburgerIgnore (1.9k points)
+2 votes

I vote for once per month. 

However would like to add:  

I would really appreciate, if all of the new, useful/crucial features were announced right after being implemented (e.g. the notifications on photos uploaded) with more thorough explanation on what it brings and how it works. And later on, on regular basis this news could be mentioned in monthly newsletter e.g.

Nevertheless I pretty much appreciate the job that PGC team is doing. 

by Guru Joe (1.6k points)
It's actually a bit tactical that we avoid announcing new features right away. Sometimes we just add them and let users find them, sometimes we announce on for example Facebook.

Since we do quite lousy testing of them, we prefer to have a small user group of them in the start. When we believe there are no bigger issues, we try to tell "everyone".

Just wanted to explain why we might not always do as you wish.
Thanks for the clarification. :)