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I noticed today that in my maps tab, the Asia map doesn't include Hong Kong (it says I have found caches in four countries in Asia, when I've found five). Hong Kong is included on the World map and has its own map for regions.

I'm guessing it just didn't get included in a list of countries to be included as Asia.
in Bug reports by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)

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You are correct. We had missed it in our list of countries within Asia. Mostly because it wasn't listed in

A correction has been made in our development environment, and can be expected live in about a week.

I am unsure if Hong Kong was green on the map before the fix, since it was quite hard to see. But I am sure it is now afterward. By clicking the maps one gets an image with a quite high resolution, still not easy to see, but there is some green.

In the future we should look at having "zoom boxes" over small areas. But right now all maps are dynamically created, which is a lot less work.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by sumbloke (Expert)
Thanks for the quick fix. Hong Kong was showing as white for me on the Asia map, but is correctly green now.

Hong Kong wouldn't show up as a sovereign state, since it's a dependent territory of China. This is yet another instance of Geocaching countries not matching official countries.