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+14 votes


when travelling I would like to write "Thank's for the cache" in the language of the country in which the cache is hidden. Therefore I would like to collect this phrase in many different languages. So I would be happy, if people from countries all over the world could post this phrase in their own language.

Thanks in advance!

in Miscellaneous by tadaima (12.5k points)
En català : Gràcies pel catxé

25 Answers

+10 votes
DFDC - "Danke für den Cache" is sometimes written in German, but most common is TFTC as the game is international and mainly US-based (Groundspeak) and english spoken.
by crissar (590 points)
danke for this note
A also well known and often used phrase in germany is "Danke fürs Legen und Pflegen der Dose" wich means "Thanks for hiding and maintaining the Geocach"
+8 votes
Swedish: "Tack för gömman!" is the one (in swedish) I see most frequently in my country. Even though TFTC is commonly used as well.
by axelvoldbarr (310 points)
Also being from Sweden, I feel that TFTC is more common.

Though I still guess the full sentence you provided is a better answer to the question.
I'd say that "Tack för cachen" is more common. If you want to keep with the TFTC acronym, you can go for "Tack för trevlig cache", which translates to "Thanks for nice cache".
+8 votes

In Dutch "bedankt voor de cache = BVDC" but most commonly used in the Netherlands is TFTC.

by vogelbird (Expert) (56.7k points)
+6 votes
In French it would be Merci pour la cache - MPLC.
by Domino_67 (6.8k points)
edited by Domino_67
yes, MPLC for the cache , or MPLE for the event , or MPLM for the mystery ... ... and again MPLW for the wherigo !
typo corrected - excusez-moi!
+6 votes
ln Polish it would be 'Dzięki za kesza' but one rarely sees this abbreviated and TFTC is used in most places.
by Domino_67 (6.8k points)
+6 votes
En Breton (donc dans la région de Bretagne en France) on dirait : "Trugarez évit ar kuzh" soit TEAK mais c'est trés peu utilisé car on trouve plutot MPLC le "merci pour la cache" en francais !
by Chup'a (11.2k points)
Domino_67 wrote "le cache", you wrote "la cache". Which one is right? Is the cache masculine or feminine in French?
en français c'est féminin : la cache :)
+5 votes

Díky za keš is probably most common phrase in Czech, if you would like to come to Czech Republic some time. :)

by Jakuje (Moderator) (117k points)
+5 votes
In Switzerland we write in German (DFDC, "Danke für den Cache"). But at the end of the log it's common, and mostly seen,  to write TFTC. By the way...we have four languages in Switzerland. the other three are French, Italian and Rhaeto-Romanic....
by Turako (1.1k points)
And do you also know this sentence in the other three languages of Switzerland? German and French have already been posted...
Added italian - well, and to be honest, there are at least five major dialects of rumantsch, to make things more complicated ;-)
+5 votes

In Spanish it's "Gracias por el caché" = GPEC laugh

by Dandroider (630 points)
Gracias for these answered
+5 votes
In Italian it is "Grazie" or the longer versions "Grazie mille" (literally: 'thousand thanks') or "Grazie per la cache" but again, the abbreviation TFTC is more common.
by Domino_67 (6.8k points)
Why don't use "GPLC" ?
I don't know to be honest - but one rarely ever sees GPLC whereas TFTC is frequently used.
Ok thank's you
+5 votes

In danish  it is similar to swedish: Tak for cachen, 

You can also write TFTC.

by EquipmentCC (950 points)
+5 votes
In Norwegian is it like in Danish : Takk for cachen!

But TFTC is used.
by Oscar Jr (520 points)
+3 votes
Portuguese: Obrigado pela cache (OPC)
by urriellu (640 points)
+3 votes
"Diolch am y celc" in Welsh, unless someone can come up with a better translation of cache (celc=hoard).
by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.2k points)
+3 votes
In Australia, the best way to say it is probably "Thanks for the cache, Mate" or TFTCM.

TFTC is still commonly used though.

Happy caching if you are visiting Australia anytime soon.
by Potatonator (11.3k points)
+3 votes
in Slovenian caches you can write down: "hvala za zakladek" or just "HZZ"
by apneli (870 points)
+2 votes

In franconian: dank dir für den käsch.

in bavarian: dankschee für den käsch

by HansHans (2.0k points)
+1 vote

En català és : Gràcies pel catxé

by Tots4junts (540 points)
+1 vote
In finnish: "Kiitos kätköstä", that's abbreviation is KK.
by Paavobave (170 points)
+1 vote

I usually try to obtain the correct phrase for every country I visit. One not yet present in this thread is Go raibh maith agat as an taisce, which should be the correct Irish translation.

by Hofstad (170 points)