I read Swedish, which is very similar to Danish. I'll translated it again. I'll try to translate as closely as I can, instead of focusing on good grammar.
I assume bolcher equals type, from the context. It's not a word I understand.
1. I skal stave til Blandede Bolcher ved hjælp af jeres fundne caches. I skal bruge 1. bogstav i cachenavnet. Så hvis cachen starter med ALT ANDET END ET BOGSTAV, så kan den ikke bruges til denne challenge.
You should spell "Blandede Bolcher" with the help of your found caches. You should use one letter in the cache name. So if a geocache starts with anything else than a letter, it can not be used.
2. I skal naturligvis blande jeres 'bolcher', så følgende typer caches skal være repræsenteret i jeres liste: traditionel, mystery, multi, letterbox og earthcache. Det står jer dog frit for at blande jeres 'bolcher' yderligere med flere typer caches!
You should of course mix your 'bolcher', so the following cache types shall be represented in your list: traditionel, mystery, multi, letterbox and earthcache. It's free for you to mix them with other types as well.
3. I må IKKE anvende samme cache to gange og I må ikke anvende jeres egne caches...
You may not use the same cache more than ones, and you may not use your own caches.