Project-GC Userscript/Development/Log Book Links

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LogBookLinks (All Logs, Yours, Friends, Gallery) [[Project-GC Userscript

/Development|Project-GC Userscript



Log Links (All Logs, Yours, Friends, Gallery) is a feature that enhances and adds additional links to the already existing "All Logs | Gallery" links just above the log list. This feature, when fully implemented will display the following (example):

Current and Broken view:
LogBookLinks broken.png

When fixed, should display as such:

View all logs (49) | Yours (1) | Friends (20) | Gallery (42)

This feature is currently broken and does not function properly. This is cited in Github Repo Issues: #115 and #116.

Change Log

2022-08-24; Issue #112. Fixed in v2.3.15

Updated the code to account for a typo in the code that added an escaped single quote near the word "Friends". Around Line 1011, changed from:

// 2022-08-24, fixes #112: Extra single quote showing up in LogBookLinks near "Friends".
    <span> | </span><a id="pgc-logbook-yours" href="' + $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxLogbookLink').attr('href') + '#tabs-2">Yours</a>\
    <span> | </span><a href="' + $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxLogbookLink').attr('href') + '#tabs-3">Friends\'</a>\ 
    ').insertAfter( $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxLogbookLink') );

--> to:

// 2022-08-24, fixes #112: Extra single quote showing up in LogBookLinks near "Friends".
    <span> | </span><a id="pgc-logbook-yours" href="' + $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxLogbookLink').attr('href') + '#tabs-2">Yours</a>\
    <span> | </span><a href="' + $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxLogbookLink').attr('href') + '#tabs-3">Friends</a>\ 
    ').insertAfter( $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxLogbookLink') );