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Re: Feasability of challenge and checker

[Cancelled] Feasability of challenge and checker
December 14, 2016 03:32PM
I already have one challenge out there https://coord.info/GC5MPR7 which is related to finding caches on their anniversary of placement.

When others said it was a hard challenge I set myself a personal challenge to complete the whole 366 dates with such caches. Recently my monitoring of my self challenge gave me the thought of basing my next challenge on D/T ratings associated with caches found on their anniversary of placement.

So I'm looking for discussion on feasibility of this;

A challenge that requires a distinct set of D/T ratings found.
All candidates must have been found on their anniversary of placement.
Reporting could be whole grid (it perhaps holds value).
Pass would just relate to those squares required for Tagged criteria.

Initial thoughts are for the challenge to be to have filled the complete D5 row although if such is adaptable by Tag criteria that make it more universally adaptable.

I can confirm that I have found all 9 values of the D5 row.

Sounding out this before I create a cache page and submit a formal request for a checker to be written.


Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
December 14, 2016 05:16PM
It is possible to do but i am not sure a script exist
But I am not sure that it will be allowed.
I would submit the challenge and ask if it is ok before a checker is added to reduce potential meaningless work.

Please call it "hidden date" as that is the name on the cache page. Place date is only used when you edit the cache page if I am not misstaken
Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
January 14, 2017 10:07AM
Is this checker still required?

It is an existing script with and output like this:
[Malpas Wanderer](https://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=Malpas%20Wanderer) has used [Project-GC](http://project-gc.com/Challenges//24273 "Project-GC Challenge Checker") to see if he/she qualified for this challenge and he/she did.

difficulty terrain placement date visitdate gccode name
5 1 2015-01-15 2016-01-15 GC5K96E 7. Cellular Mutation Challenge Cache
5 1.5 2012-12-29 2012-12-29 GC3V46W Imbibing Imber
5 2 2012-09-19 2015-09-19 GC3X4GE The Number of The Beast - Challenge
5 2.5 2015-01-15 2016-01-15 GC5K95R 5. Cellular Mutation Challenge Cache
5 3 2015-01-15 2016-01-15 GC5K968 6. Cellular Mutation Challenge Cache
5 3.5 2015-01-15 2016-01-15 GC5K955 3. Cellular Mutation Challenge Cache
5 4 2007-02-14 2010-02-14 GC10YGF Spirit of the Teine Sith
5 4.5 2015-01-15 2016-01-15 GC5K94P 1. Cellular Mutation Challenge Cache
5 5 2003-12-13 2016-12-13 GCHBD1 Cut Down Cache
Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
January 14, 2017 04:22PM

Many thanks for the reply.

I sort of dropped the idea for the following reasons.

1) I'd likely have to prove how many local cachers currently pass the criteria. (Need for checker in early stages).

2) Doubt upon "What makes an acceptable challenge cache?"

3) Acceptability within the community.

Forum activity seem to think it would be eliminated by the "Time Limited" restriction.
My view is that it would be time specific rather than time limited.

The output you show in your post of today was exactly what I wanted and envisioned for the completed challenge.
Together with fail options either showing total fail of displaying conditions met and conditions failed in the grid you've created.

If the capability is already existing and there is means for me to prove some possitive pass results ahead/during the publication stage then I might well desire to go ahead.


Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
January 14, 2017 04:43PM
I like to have The Leprechauns his reviewer opinion on this before spending more time on this subject
Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
January 14, 2017 09:26PM
If this challenge cache was submitted in my review territory, I would have two concerns. The first is the time restriction. Only being able to find a cache on January 14 that was hidden on a previous January 14 is a bit like a streak challenge that requires a find on February 29th - the challenge can only be found once every four years. Also, for rare placement dates (middle of the winter in a snowy climate, when there are not as many caches hidden), the challenge would discourage geocachers from finding caches that needed to be "saved" until their anniversary date. I don't recall this exact challenge design for a full grid of anniversary dates ever coming up for discussion before. Malpas Wanderer should ask their reviewer.

The second concern is whether the challenge is attainable by a reasonable number of cachers in the region where Malpas Wanderer lives. If I were reviewing this I would ask for a list of ten geocachers from that region who either already qualified or were reasonably close to qualifying. I'd be surprised if that test could be met. This is an unusual challenge, and I congratulate Malpas Wanderer for setting and completing this as a personal goal.
Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
January 14, 2017 11:19PM
Thanks for taking time to reply.

I consider though there is still some misunderstanding;

Yes my personal challenge is to fill the whole 366 day grid.

The challenge and checker for immediate discussion though is for;

The D5 line
D5 T1.0, D5 T1.5, D5 T2.0, D5 T2.5, D5 T3.0, D5 T3.5, D5 T4.0, D5 T4.5, D5 T5.0

9 caches only.

Yes proving how many or how few met the criteria and was the reason for the original post and request for a checker.
Though I've racked my brains of ways to prove manually I've not come up with any suitable method.

Think we have met stalemate once again.
Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
January 15, 2017 12:04AM
I thought the issue with this challenge would be more around guideline 14: positive challenge criteria. By putting this challenge out there you would be discouraging cachers from finding D5 caches (of which there would be a limited number anyway) on any day other than the anniversary of when they were hidden. There would also most likely be several cachers in your area who have already found all/most of the D5 caches within a reasonable travel distance of their homes in a non-qualifying manner (i.e., on one of the 99.7% of the dates which are not the anniversary) so would have to travel a great distance to get qualifying finds.

Also, guideline 13: find date. "Restrictions on date of finds used for the challenge are not permitted." The specific reason for this guideline is that some older challenges said that finds before they were published wouldn't count, but the wording of it seems to me to say that this challenge is also not allowed.
Re: Feasability of challenge and checker
February 03, 2017 11:09AM
No feedback received anymore so the request is cancelled. If you have any followup on this please put in a new request
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