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[Cancelled] New Checker

[Cancelled] New Checker
March 07, 2018 08:15PM

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2018 07:21PM by racing-rally99. (view changes)
Re: New Checker GC7K4K6
March 07, 2018 10:01PM
Sorry, this challenge wouldn't be allowed.

Guideline 9 says (as not acceptable):

Time-limited caching: as in some number of finds per day, week, month, or year. Example, Busy Day, 50 finds in a day, 500 finds in a month, etc.
Therefore you can't have a single day limitation.

Guideline 10 has as not acceptable:

Challenges based on geographic areas other than countries, states/provinces, counties (or their local equivalent). For example, user-defined mapping polygons, latitude/longitude, radius, etc.
This would disallow most definitions of the capital cities. Some of the capital cities have county-level divisions defined for their approximate borders, but I suspect not all.
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