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Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...

[Resolved] Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 14, 2016 09:43PM
... combined requirements?

Hello at first!

My first idea for my four planed Challenges werent allowed so I was thinking about a new concept the last days and I want to make a 4 Level Pyramid with one Challenge Cache for each Level.

My first iversion would be:

Level 1: 5 times 20 of a kind - 5 Cache Categories with at least 20 finds each
Level 2: Log Level 1 plus find Caches in at least 12 Countries
Level 3: Log Level 1 and 2 plus collect at least 25 souvenirs
Level 4: Log 1,2 and 3 plus 2 more 20 of a kind, 10 more souvenirs and caches in at least 18 countries

In Level 4 I would even like to add something like "distance from farthest south find to farthest north find at least 2500KM" or something like that - now the question if it be makeable to make a checker before I invest too mich time...

My second version would be:

Level 1: 4 times 20 of a kind, 15 souvenirs, 9 countries
Level 2: Log Level 1 plus one more (6) 20 of a kind, 20 souvenirs, 11 countries
Level 3: Log Level 1 and 2 plus one more (7) 20 of a kind, 25 souvenirs, 14 countries
Level 4: Log Level 1,2 and 3 plus one more (8) 20 of a kind, 35 souvenirs, 18 countries

In Level 4 (if possible) I would like to have something else too, like the distance thing mentioned above

Thanks for every feedback
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 15, 2016 04:25PM
What you mean with the "kind"? Cache type? (traditional, mystery ecc.)?
So for the fourth level you should find the three caches level1,2 and 3 and also found 20 caches per every one of 7 types (at least 140 caches)?

I don't like the condition of distance between northest and southest cache. When you have found i.e.
one cache at 00 01.000 -090 00.000
and one at -00 01.000 090 00.000
the distance from northest and southest caches will be about 20000km
but when you will find the third cache at
00 02.000 090 00.000
that becomes new northest cache, the distance will be about 5km

Instead of the maximum distance in km I suggest to use distance in degrees between northest and southest found. 2500km in south-north direction is about 23 degrees. So If you want to change the condition to something like
"at least 25 degrees between southest and northest cache", the challenge will make more sense.

It is possible to make checker for these challenges, so give me the gc codes of the listings and I'll make the checkers.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2016 07:42PM by jpavlik. (view changes)
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 11:20AM

Great, so my 4 Challenges with the requirements should be

Pyramid Challenge Level 1 - The Base GC6Y18V
.) 4 Categories with at least 20 finds each
.) collect at least 15 Souvenirs
.) find Cache in at least 10 countries
.) at least 5 degrees between the southest and northest cache find

Pyramid Challenge Level 2 - First Floor GC6Y194
.) 5 Categories with at least 20 finds each
.) collect at least 20 Souvenirs
.) find Cache in at least 12 countries
.) at least 10 degrees between the southest and northest cache find

Pyramid Challenge Level 3 - Second Floor GC6Y197
.) 6 Categories with at least 20 finds each
.) collect at least 25 Souvenirs
.) find Cache in at least 15 countries
.) at least 15 degrees between the southest and northest cache find

Pyramid Challenge Level 4 - The Top GC6Y19A
.) 8 Categories with at least 20 finds each
.) collect at least 35 Souvenirs
.) find Cache in at least 18 countries
.) at least 23 degrees between the southest and northest cache find

I fullfil all these requirements myself

Thanks in advance
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 12:19PM
sorry, what is "CATEGORY".
it's cache type (traditional, mystery, event, etc)?
if it's cache type, the event, mega event, giga event, cito and gps adventure is the same "event category" or they should be 5 different categories?
the rest of the conditions are clear.
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 12:22PM

Yes, I mean cache type, Labs do not count am I right? Events should count as one type...

Thanks again
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 01:33PM
ok, so every event I'll count as one type only

I will count these types as event category:
"Event Cache",
"Cache In Trash Out Event",
"Lost and Found Event Cache",
"Mega-Event Cache",
"GPS Adventures Exhibit",
"Groundspeak Block Party",
"Giga-Event Cache",
"Groundspeak HQ",
"Groundspeak Lost and Found Celebration"

each other type will be one category
"Traditional Cache",
"Unknown Cache",
"Letterbox Hybrid",
"Virtual Cache",
"Wherigo Cache",
"Webcam Cache",
"Locationless (Reverse) Cache",
"Project APE Cache",
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 02:28PM
Locationless (Reverse) caches are the same as Wherigos anrent they? If not no problem, events should count as one, thats right, if possible the reverse caches a Wherigos, the rest is perfect...

Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 03:52PM
I think you're confusing a "play anywhere" Wherigo cartridge cache with one of the grandfathered Locationless caches that were discontinued more than ten years ago. A locationless cache asks the finder to locate and post the coordinates for the defined item, like "find a covered bridge" or "find a natural arch."

Wherigo and Locationless caches are two very different categories having nothing to do with each other.
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 10:12PM
"Groundspeak HQ" is not a event type. Groundspeek group it as a mystery cache type
"GPS Adventures Exhibit", is not groped at all but is separate
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 17, 2016 04:08PM
Okay, so then its an own category and please make the checker like it has to be done when it comes to categories

Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 18, 2016 12:57AM
I've did it
I've group the following types in one Event category:

"Event Cache",
"Cache In Trash Out Event",
"Lost and Found Event Cache",
"Mega-Event Cache",
"GPS Adventures Exhibit",
"Groundspeak Block Party",
"Giga-Event Cache"

if it is not ok, please tell me and I can modify it

These are the links, you can insert the blocks in the relative listings:

<a href="http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6Y18V/23917"><img src="http://maxcdn.project-gc.com/Images/Checker/23917"; title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>

<a href="http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6Y194/23918"><img src="http://maxcdn.project-gc.com/Images/Checker/23918"; title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>

<a href="http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6Y197/23919"><img src="http://maxcdn.project-gc.com/Images/Checker/23919"; title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>

<a href="http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6Y19A/23920"><img src="http://maxcdn.project-gc.com/Images/Checker/23920"; title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 18, 2016 10:34AM
Wow - thanks a lot, everything works perfect

You are doing a great job here
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 18, 2016 11:10AM
I'm not sure about
"GPS Adventures Exhibit",
"Groundspeak Block Party",

Do you want that I leave it as variant of Event (so counted as event) or I should count they as distinct categories?
Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 18, 2016 11:16AM
No, everything fine, thanks

Re: Is it possible to get a checker for...
December 18, 2016 12:52PM
great, so this one is resolved
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