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Re: Recommendation

May 08, 2021 11:03AM
Things like this is better posted in https://project-gc.com/qa/ and not in the test forum.

My understanding is that lab caches uses a different API and the decision to make them a paid membership feature was based on the amount of work and related costs it took to get them to be included in the stats at all. The members asked for this and got it but it comes at a cost. That cost is that it's only available for users with paid membership.

Since the "normal caches-API" itself requires the APIpartner to show less than what a basic member can see at the main site, this discrepancy is basically a standard in Geocaching so I don't think it's that odd that it continues for lab caches. The same thing is happening with lab caches in apps now. Seeing lab caches on the map in the official app is a premium member feature, but the ALs are available for basic members too. And now they show up as premium feature in other apps too because that's the requirement from the API. Tbh, Project-GC is one of few APIpartners that have this much content available for basic members, most others are almost useless for basic members.
Subject Author Views Posted


yervel 1091 March 09, 2021 05:53AM

Re: Recommendation

Pleu 715 May 08, 2021 11:03AM

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