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I actually answered my original question, but don't see a way to delete this. So I will follow up with a different. related question.

The L&F event do not show on my Social Cacher badge in Badge Gen. It is not listed in the Wiki article, but is in the Wiki sidebar. Is there an add-on for L&F events?
in Support and help by South Lyon Trekkers (530 points)
edited by South Lyon Trekkers

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I think the sidebar on the Social Cacher badge page on the wiki is in error, since the main part of that page and the addons table both show L&F being unavailable for that badge.
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)
selected by South Lyon Trekkers
+1 vote
Is your Social badge at least ruby level? If not, no addons will be shown.

There is an addon for community celebration events (which is what L&F events are called now), but it appears on the Geocacher badge, not on the Social badge.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
+1 vote

I had a look at your badge, the Leap Day Addon is there.

The L&F AddOn is currently not available to the Social Cacher Badge, this is an error in the wiki's sidebar. The L&F addon is awarded for the "Lost and Found" attribute, and currently available for Event Host and Attribute Cacher.
The Community Celebration addon is available for The Geocacher.

by clappy (16.3k points)
Thanks for the responses.

FYI: I did notice some add-ons in the badge wiki pages had the add-on listed in the sidebar, but not the page itself.