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0 votes
I recently reached my #2000 Milestone. To get there I logged a Labcache as #1999 and then the real Cache as #2000. The profile statistics at show the correct Milestone, but project-gc shows the Labcache as the Milestone.

The number of finds is identical, and the Milestones leading up to this one are also the same.
in Support and help by LittleJohn1001 (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
This is due to Project-GC not receiving enough information from to be able to sort your finds correctly on days when you have logged both regular caches and lab caches.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Doest that mean that if you want to see the correct milestone for the day you shouldn't do any lab caches on this day?
As of now, yes.