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0 votes
Will it automatically continue like it does on and will I be informed about the new fee early, so that I have the possibility to stop the membership?

And finally, what happens with, for example longest streak challenges, if I stop my membership?
in Miscellaneous by joemanzh (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Project-GC does not offer recurring memberships, so you have to renew manually. You will get a notification banner on all Project-GC pages once your membership is approaching its end (a month ahead of time, I think).

Your membership status should not change the result of any challenge checkers, as far as I know. Your personal Profile stats page with display without lab caches being included if your membership lapses, though (labs are only included on Project-GC for paid members of Project-GC).
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)