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I found that some caches are incorrectly reporting their state/county while validating a Challenge Checker tag. Looking at the counties map for New South Wales (Australia), I spotted three sections being shown outside NSW itself:

Campbelltown, South Australia seems to have been added to Cambelltown, New South Wales (this caused the incorrect validation that led to me noticing this issue). This causes ProjectGC to report caches in Cambelltown, South Australia as being in NSW ( reports the state correctly).

Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. These islands are among the seven external territories of Australia and are not part of NSW. Christmas Island is reported as Unincorporated External Territories by ProjectGC and also a separate country and reported by as a separate country. Cocos (Keeling) Islands are showing in ProjectGC as Greater Taree, New South Wales (and I think also as Unincorporated External Territories) but the one cache placed there is listed in as Western Australia.

in Bug reports by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Ok, finally got down to analyzing this. The problem is that the same county name exists in several regions, which Project-GC doesn't really handle. We then have to suffix the county names.

The fact is that we thought they were. All counties has an extra character after them, which we assumed was a aggrevation of the region, but I now understand that it is not.

We are currently in the process of updating our polygon data for Australia, a region-id will be appended to the names as well, to distinguish them. It may take a few hours for the whole process. Currently building new polygons, after that we will have to recalculate which regions the caches belong to. Then we will purge some cached data that will be obsolete.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
Thanks for the fix.