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+5 votes

I would like to see checkers for every challenge in the Carni challenge trail in Canada. The challenges can easily be found on the challenge map. Only those in the trail itself are included in this task, there was a few other challenges a bit away. You are of course welcome to write for those as well, but they are not included in the request.

I have looked through many of them, and they all seem to be very easy to write checkers for. It would be enjoyable to see a whole challenge trail covered with checkers. Might be the first?

And since I am the owner of Project-GC, I will even add some rewards for this task. When every challenge in the trail has a checker, excluding those where it's technically not possible, I will send 2 years of membership to Project-GC to these persons:

  • The top 3 who created the most tags for the trail. If the one who created the most checkers, has twice as many as the second one, he/she will claim 2 of the 3 rewards, and there will be no third person.
  • The last 3 unique persons who created tags for the last caches in the trail. And by last I mean the last to get checkers, it has nothing to do with the order on the map or the order of publishing. (I hope this was clear, ask otherwise and I will try to explain). To claim this award, you must have created tags for at least 3 caches in the trail, otherwise the price will go on to the next one.

Answer in this thread when you want to claim your rewards!

PS! It's appreciated if you also post an answer for every checker you have created, so that I/we can feel the progress.

UPDATE: Seems that there has been added a challenge to this trail. There was a total of 60, now it's 61. Let's include the new one. (update2: Now I can only see 60 again, maybe I mixed up the trails last time ...)

UPDATE 2: 2015-01-07, two challenges left (not counting those listed below), GC4BGNF and GC5ANVF. Quest completed. Rewards will be sent out as Coupon codes via the messaging system at Project-GC. Expect them later today. I also intend to sum it up here.

Challenges that can not be checked with todays API:


The following users will be rewarded 2 years membership each:

  • Rikitan (top 3)
  • mole125 (Was in the top 3 writers, and created one of the lasts, will get 2*2 years)
  • hampf (Created most and one of the last, will get 2*2 years)
  • rabmoor (Was in the top 3 writers, and created one of the lasts, will get 2*2 years)
  • GentlePurpleRain (top 3)
  • Target. (Created second most tags)
  • the Seagnoid (top 3)

What wasn't foreseen was that 5 users shared the position as top 3 tag creators. Since there was no rule regarding it, we will reward them all with 2 years each (and learn our lesson). We think it's nice that these has been created and we have no regret in rewarding you all. (at the point of posting this, the coupon codes have not yet been sent)

UPDATE (probably the last one): Rewards has been sent. New contests will be posted on the QA forum today, in the category "Checker requests". We will also update the request list on the checker-page.

PS! The Bikeway challenge trail in California only needs 3 more checkers.

in Miscellaneous by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
edited by magma1447 (Admin)
Just to be clear, as I wrote, "When every challenge in the trail has a checker". Therefore no memberships has been handed out yet. This was with the exception for those where it isn't possible due to different reasons. About 50% of the caches are still missing checkers. :)

35 Answers

+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
A tip, when you have created a checker, use the Verify tag button. I think it exists in the run checker page. With that, you will automatically test the tag on the 10 latest who has logged the challenge.

For this tag, it gets an error on one of them. Errors are due to bugs in the script. Then take that profile name, and run the script on him, and you will get the error output. In this case, a concat with nil on line 77.
Whoops!  I usually use that button -- not sure why I didn't this time.  The script has been fixed.  (I didn't have "Locationless (Reverse) Cache" in my list of cache types.)
+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
Very nice output. Took the time to run verify again, and then checked the source code a bit. Finally I just had to run it myself to see how the log looked. :)
+1 vote
by Ländin (2.0k points)
+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
+1 vote

It was simply to simple to make a checker for "10,000 Smilies" to not do it. ;)

by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
+1 vote
I have created simple checker for

I will try to make its next iteration configurable.
by rabmoor (2.8k points)
+1 vote
by rabmoor (2.8k points)
+1 vote

is checker for

But some FI logs don't pass the test - I am not sure, if I understand the Challenge conditions right, but it's not a problem to fix the script ...
by rabmoor (2.8k points)
I think this checker actually is a bit wrong. As I understand it, you shall have 6 DT-combos in a row with 60 finds each.

FLPirate is one of those that fails in your checker. But from my understanding, he succeeds by using:

Note that "in a row" also can be horizontal. I didn't read your code very thorough, but I couldn't at a fast glance see any handling of such case.
As I have written - I am not sure about the challenge conditions. I supposed, that row = horizontal, column = vertical. I will look into the script fix it ...
Yes, sometimes that isn't very clear. But I am fairly sure he means "in a row", and not "a row". Ie, that all direction counts. I am not native English speaking myself, so I can't say exactly. But that's how I interpret it, and that seems to m atch the logs.
I have fixed the checking part, now I will fix the output somehow ...
I have reworked the presentation part but some FI logs still don't pass it. I have checked the respective statistics and I think, that they simply don't fulfill the challenge conditions. I will ask CO ...
I think I agree with you, I checked "The Wench". I can not see that he fulfills it. Sure, it's possible that I am missing it, since it's a bit hard to find the right spot. But he has quite few >= 60, except around 1.5/1.5.

I would guess your checker is correct, and the logs wrong.
By the way. I love that you made the numbers configurable. I am considering to create a similar challenge. Though I would guess I would go with 5 and 50. I will have to investigate how many in my country that would fulfil it.
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Know Your Local Cacher" here:

And yes, the last 10 loggers have passed the test...

I check for the following found/attended log types:

       "Cache In Trash Out Event",
        "Event Cache",
        "Giga-Event Cache",
        "GPS Adventures Exhibit",
        "Groundspeak Block Party",
        "Groundspeak HQ",
        "Groundspeak Lost and Found Celebration",
        "Letterbox Hybrid",
        "Locationless (Reverse) Cache",
        "Lost and Found Event Cache",
        "Mega-Event Cache",
        "Project APE Cache",
        "Traditional Cache",
        "Unknown Cache",
        "Virtual Cache",
        "Webcam Cache",
        "Wherigo Cache",

Configuration: number of owners (default 30) and number of cache types (default 3)

edit: check for GC4T1Z9 itself (not counting)

edit: script is enabled again
by hampf (4.3k points)
edited by hampf
Looks like the checker is currently disabled?
Yes, I made minor changes because of the log example length (I tried to include some [url=...] links to the logs and caches).

Now everything should work out fine. Sorry for the inconveniences.
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 8 Days, 8 Cache Types" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test... (alas, not me)

Cache types and minimum different types are in the config, "days" as well, but are not used in the 8 "for" loops
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 100x6 COs" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test... (alas, not me)

Cache types, minimum owners and caches are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: Grandfathered" here:

9 of the last 10 finders have passed the test, kayaklady52 must have counted wrong :-)

threshold, points, cachetypes, country and region are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 5 Icons x 5 x 1 Day" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test...

Type and cache minimums are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: Size Me Up" here:

9 of the last 10 finders have passed the verification... ;-)

sizes and owner count are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
Either you forgot to enable it, or you found something to fix. But currently disabled at least.
Either your name is Lucky Luke or you are his twin. I just enabled it a second after your comment :-)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 9 Years of ECs and LBs" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test...

Cache types and minimum years are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: A-Z Ignored Icons" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test...

Cache types and minimum letters are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: Placed Date X 5" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test...

Factor 5 is in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 150 Non-Trads In A Month" here:

The last 10 finders have passed the test...

Types and threshold are in the config (period only "month" at the moment)
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 8 Icons In Day X 2" here:

9 of the last 10 finders have passed the test... "The Inkwell" did indeed count wrong: 2 Letterboxes on 11/8/2014 in their screenshot.

Days and minimum icons are in the config
by hampf (4.3k points)
I hardly dare to ask if you forgot to enable it this time. :)

It was late ;-)
+1 vote
I have entered a checker for "Carni Challenge Trail: 100 Finds x 12 Months" here:

9 of the last 10 finders have passed the test, one has counted wrong (but is very close) :-(

threshold and months are in the config

I double checked to enable both tag and script before :-)
by hampf (4.3k points)
PS! Also added the fizzy challenge to the "not possible" list.